Book titles that are underlined are linked to notes posted or reviews written for other sites.
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The Mark of Athena Rick Riordan 574 The Heroes of Olympus (Book 3)
The Time Keeper Mitch Albom 226 Audrey
Beyond the Shadows Brent Weeks Night Angel (book 3)
Shadow's Edge Brent Weeks Night Angel (book 2)
all the earth, thrown to the sky Joe R. Lansdale 227 signed copy from Texas Literary Hall of Fame session
The Way of Shadows Brent Weeks Night Angel (book 1)
Caliban's War James S.A. Corey 624 The Expanse (Book 2)
The Serpent's Shadow Rick Riordan 401 Josh The Kane Chronicles, Book 3
The Throne of Fire Rick Riordan 447 Josh The Kane Chronicles, Book 2
The Red Pyramid Rick Riordan Josh The Kane Chronicles, Book One
Clockwork Angels Kevin J. Anderson, based on a story and Lyrics by Neal Peart ARC from SFSignal
Roadshow: Landscape with Drums: A Concert Tour by Motorcycle Neal Peart 399
Assassin's Code Jonathan Maberry 422 SFSignal Joe Ledger #4
Leviathan Wakes James S.A. Corey 592 Hugo Voter Packet The Expanse (Book 1)
Embassytown China Mieville 368 HUGO Voter Packet
The Devil in Green Mark Chadbourn 347 1st book of The Dark Age trilogy, the second trilogy in Chadbourn's nine book series
Deadline Mira Grant 581 HUGO Voter Packet 2nd in the Newsflesh Trilogy
Among Others Jo Walkton 302 HUGO Voter Packet
Children of God Mary Doria Russell 438 Audrey sequel to The Sparrow
Norstrilia Cordwainer Smith 249 NESFA edition
Blood of Ambrose James Enge 390
The Gods of Opar Philip Jose Farmer and Christopher Paul Carey 559 SFSignal
Edge of Dark Water Joe R. Lansdale Kindle; reviewed on SFSignal
Atomsk Carmichael Smith (alias Cordwainer Smith, alias Paul Linebarger))
Red Sun Richard Ziegler and Patrick M. Patterson 227 Bob
Micro Michael Chricton Bob
A Stark and Wormy Knight Tad Williams reviewed on SFSignal
Retribution Max Hastings 441 Josh
The Hungry Harry Shannon reviewed on SFSignal
Warlord of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs #3 John Carter/Barsoon
The Gods of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs #2 John Carter/Barsoom