The Dragonbone Chair re-read – Part One – Simon Mooncalf
It has been a long time since I re-read a book, and I do not remember since college re-reading one in the method I’m using for this re-read of The Dragonbone Chair. I’m actually going...
It has been a long time since I re-read a book, and I do not remember since college re-reading one in the method I’m using for this re-read of The Dragonbone Chair. I’m actually going...
More and more craft breweries are popping up in Texas and in the Houston area. We are privileged to have two of the best: Karbach and Saint Arnolds. According to my UnTappd stats (and...
Superman’s Arctic hideout of the same name may be more well-known; but The Man of Bronze, Doc Savage, has a similar blue domed research facility in the Arctic that predates Superman by 25 years....
Ragamuffin is three books in one: a space opera, featuring a complex world with humans near the bottom of the socio-economic chain; a sequel to Mr. Buckell’s excellent first novel, Crystal Rain, featuring Pepper...
Tried really, really hard to love it, almost succeeded…maybe my expectations were too high from The Traveler Please note that the copy of this novel reviewed is an “Advanced Reading Copy” that I received...