book signing October 20 at Trinity University Alumni week
Last year I was invited to be a part of the Trinity University Alumni Book Signing that occurs during alumni week. I have been invited back again this year; the event is October 20 at 11am in the Ruth Taylor Recital Hall in the Dicke Art Building of the Ruth Taylor Fine Arts Center. If you are in San Antonio Texas that weekend, please stop by.
This picture was in the just released Spring 2007 Trinity University magazine, and it was taken at last years event. That’s me in black behind the table. The man and woman in front of the table are paid groupies (i.e., my mother and step-father who live in SA).
The gentleman to my right in the black leather jacket (Trinity authors always wear black) is none other than Robert Flynn, award winning author and my writing instructor when I was at Trinity. I majored in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics at Trinity, but I took a writing course every semester from Bob. And when I wrote my first novel (after 20 years in the tech biz) Bob was the first guy I called to read a draft and give me comments. In typical fashion, he didn’t hesitate.
Bob’s novels and non-fiction essays are works I recommend to everyone. I’ve written some notes of one of his Texas-based novels, Wanderer Springs, which is a fictional rendition of the town Chillicothe near Wichita Falls, Texas where Bob grew up. He has also penned fictional accounts of his time in Vietnam, where he was a war correspondent.
Lately, Bob has written two books of what I can only describe as “essays” but have my wife and I laughing as we are reading them. The books are Growing Up a Sullen Baptist and Other Lies, and Slouching Toward Zion and More Lies
. We especially like the essay “Enduring Love” from Sullen Baptist, where Bob and his wife Jean write their wildly different perspectives on a trip to Alaska for their fortieth wedding anniversary! Jean’s part ends with the para:
As I curled up in the sleeping bag, I silently prayed, “Lord, if you will just let me get dry and warm again, I promise to divorce Robert Flynn before our next anniversary!”
Bob’s part ends with:
I think we both agreed it was the best anniversary ever. We were both quiet for a while but I knew what Jean was thinking – where will we celebrate our forth-first anniversary? Botswana, I thought. Or maybe, Bangladesh.
I’ll post some notes on these two books when I’ve finished them.
Unfortunately Bob will not be at this years signing as he and Jean are trekking to Turkey (as opposed to Botswana or Bangladesh!).
If you are in San Antonio October 20, I look forward to seeing you.
I did get her to Botswana, Larry. Also, India and Nepal. Bangladesh is just around the corner.