bookrev: Great Britain (Eyewitness Travel Guide)
5 stars: Worn it out with several trips, but still haven’t tapped it’s full potential
We’ve used this guide book for:
– Two trips to Scotland;
– Multiple trips to London and surrounding areas, both for business and pleasure;
– A recent trip to Oxford, with side trips to the Cotswolds, Windsor Castle et al.
For sites to see, the DK guide books have excellent maps, points of interest and “star sights”, their recommendation of places you must see. I’ve found their Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral sections in this book particularly well done, and the coverage of London plus maps have prevented us from having to purchase a separate London guide. The Blenheim Palace, Oxford University and Cotswolds section were very helpful on this last go round. Recommendation on places to stop and things to see in Scotland saved the day on a long road trip from Glasgow up Loch Ness, over to Perth, finishing in Edinburgh…the stop for sheep shearing save my kids and my sanity.
One site recommendation that was oversold in the book was the hillside chalk figures in the Vale of the White Horse (Thames Valley)…interesting history, not much to see.
The recommendations on eateries and hotels are well done, we’ve used them for Scotland and London. In Oxford, we stayed at the wonderful Remont B&B, which is not listed in the version of the guide we have but may and should be listed in new/future versions.
We will wear this guide out on future trips.