Amazon MP3s on Twitter

While we can argue whether Twitter is a “new social media” or not, one great amznmp3_biggergifthing about it is the Amazon MP3 twitter feed.

Amazon certainly seems to be trying to put a dent into iTunes dominance. Not only are they offering DRM free MP3’s, but their Amazon downloader puts the songs right in your iTunes (if you so choose).

You do not have to be a Twit or even a Twitter user to see the daily deals. Just go to each day.

The daily deals are extraordinary. This month alone I have downloaded:

  • on 3/3 (the day the album came out) U2’s No Line on the Horizon for $3.99;
  • yesterday, John Coltrane’s The Ultimate Blue Train for $1.99;
  • today, Diana Ross & the Supremes’ 18-song Definitive Collection. Everyday price: $7.99 Today’s price: $1.99

Yes, an eclectic mix, but they feature different albums everyday. I’m going to ignore the feed for a few days before I personally re-stumulate the economy.

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1 Response

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