Pikes Peak Ascent training – week 4
The previous week’s log is here. Week 4 has the same schedule as week 3 – five easy runs and two off days. After this, we get into the different tempo and speed work sessions....
The previous week’s log is here. Week 4 has the same schedule as week 3 – five easy runs and two off days. After this, we get into the different tempo and speed work sessions....
Week 3 has the same schedule as week 2 (previous week’s post here) – five easy runs and two off days. And both of the Hanson’s strategies (half and full) have the same distances...
The week 1 post is here. Week 2 is five EASY RUNs with Monday and Wednesday off on both the Hanson Half and Full/Beginner training plans. This is the same basic schedule through Week 4...
For those interested, the introductory strategy post (A Hopefully Logical Approach to the Insanity of Running up a Mountain) is at the link. This is week one of Pikes Peak Ascent training. As I described...
The one word email response I received from my brother, he of the many marathons include Boston and others, states the reaction of most when I inform them I have signed up for the...
It is amazing and revealing what you find when cleaning out your attic. We had season tickets for the Houston Rockets for Hakeem Olajuwon‘s entire career (1984 – 2001). I started with tickets in...
As long time San Jose Sharks fans, we jumped at the chance when long-time season ticket holder Bob (who has been a season ticket holder for so long Sharks GM Doug Wilson calls him...
Race day at the San Antonio Half Marathon. After 18 weeks following the Hanson’s Half Marathon training program (and two months of running before that to determine if my knees could handle running six...
After 18 weeks of half-marathon training, using the Hanson Half Marathon program (ebook here), the targeted half marathon (the San Antonio RnR Half) is tomorrow. During training, my targeted race pace has been to...
With all these miles, I’ve been really wearing down my shoes, even though I’ve been alternating them. I got a new pair on Newton’s (Sir Isaacs) on Wednesday, which should give me enough days...